Upcoming events.

Forest Kids
Adventure in Nature: Getting to know the animals
For 8 - 14 years old
Price: 180 Euro for 6 Sessions
VHS - Forest Kids
Learning English while playing in nature
For 8 - 12 years old
In collaboration with Volkshogeschule Oberberg
Price: 51 Euro for 3 Sessions
Permaculture workshop
What does permaculture mean and why is it so important today? How can I apply permaculture in my garden?
In collaboration with VHS Oberberg
Price: 19.50 Euro

Forest Kids
Adventure in Nature: Preparing the soil
For 8 - 14 years old
Price: 180 Euro for 6 Sessions
VHS - Forest Kids
Learning English while playing
For 8 - 12 years old
In collaboration with Volkshogeschule Oberberb
Price: 51 Euro for 3 sessions
Permaculture Workshop
Planning and Designing a Permaculture Garden
Price: 95 Euro, incl. Lunch
Forest Bathing
Forest bathing: Spring awakening in the Forest
In spring is an invitation to immerse yourself with all your senses in the refreshing atmosphere of the awakening forest. Unlike an ordinary walk, it's not about covering a specific distance, but about mindfully experiencing nature in the "here and now." It's a break from everyday stress to enjoy the tranquility of the forest and connect with the world of trees, plants, and the fresh, green spring.
For whom?
Forest bathing is suitable for everyone aged 16 and above, who are in good physical condition and interested in connecting mindfully with nature. It offers a relaxing break for both body and mind. Maximum 14 participants.
Kurpark Nümbrecht
Free – Taster session
English Forest Easter Camp
In a group of a maximum of 12 to 16 children, the children are accompanied by at least 3 people: Ellen, as the coordinator, ensures the smooth running of the activities, supported by 2 to 3 young adults whose native language is English.
For whom? 12 - 15 years old
Maximum number of participants: 16 children and a maximum of 6 overnight spaces.
395 euros with 4 overnight stays, including vegetarian meals
325 euros without overnight stay, 5 days from 10 am to 5:30 pm, including vegetarian lunch and snacks

Forest Kids
Adventure in Nature: Making Compost
For 8 - 14 years old
Price: 180 Euro for 6 Sessions
VHS - Forest Kids
Learning English while playing
For 8 - 12 years old
In collaboration with Volkshogeschule Oberberg
Price: 51 Euro for 3 sessions

Forest Kids
Adventure in Nature: Sowing and Planting
For 8 - 14 years old
Price: 180 Euro for 6 sessions
VHS - Forest Kids
Design your own vegetable garden while learning English
For 10 - 14 years old
In collaboration with Volkshogeschule Oberberg
Price: 51 Euro for 3 sessions

Forest Kids
Adventure in Nature: Go for it - Olympic Games
For 8 - 14 years old
Price: 180 Euro for 6 sessions
VHS - Forest Kids
Design your own vegetable garden while learning English
For 10 - 14 years old
In collaboration with Volkshogeschule Oberberg
Price: 51 Euro for 3 sessions
Permaculture Workshop
How do I design my permaculture vegetable garden?
In collaboration with VHS Oberberg
Price: 19,50 Euro

Forest Kids
Adventure in nature: Share it!
For 8 - 14 years old
Price: 180 Euro for 6 sessions
VHS - Forest Kids
Design your own vegetable garden while learning English
For 10 - 14 years old
In collaboration with Volkshogeschule Oberberg
Price: 51 Euro for 3 sessions
Introduction to Food Forest Plants
Wir stellen die Waldgarten-Bäume, -Sträucher und -Stauden vor und erklären die Eigenschaften der bestellten Pflanzen.
Bestellliste mit Preise anfordern bevor den 1. November 2024 über: info@munay.garden
Abholtag: Samstag, 9. November 2024 um 17 Uhr
Kosten: 25 Euro
We introduce the forest garden trees, shrubs, and perennials and explain the characteristics of the ordered plants.
Request the order list with prices before the 1st of November 2024 via: info@munay.garden
Pickup day: Saturday, November 9, 2024, at 5 PM
Costs: 25 Euro
Introduction to Food Forest Plants
Und es gibt die Möglichkeit, Waldgarten-Bäume, -Sträucher und -Stauden zu günstigen Preisen mitzubestellen.
Bestellliste mit Preise anfordern über: info@munay.garden
Abholtag: Samstag, 9. November 2024 um 17 Uhr
Kosten: 25 Euro
And there is an opportunity to order forest garden trees, shrubs, and perennials at favorable prices.
Request the order list with prices via: info@munay.garden
Pickup day: Saturday, November 9, 2024, at 5 PM
Costs: 25 Euro

Permaculture Food Forest Weekend
3-Day Workshop on 20 - 21 - 22 September from 9:30 am to 4 pm
Workshop highlights:
an introduction to Permaculture and Food Forest
perennial plants in a permaculture garden
introduction to FOOD FOREST Design
forest bathing session
Accomodation is possible - ask for it!
Native English speaker: Maud (London, U.K.)
Experienced Permaculture / Food Forest Coordinator: Dr. Ellen Blommaert
Price: 275 Euro, includes 3x organic, vegan lunch and 3X organic, vegan Desserts

English Forest Weeekend
English Forest Weekend for 10 to 14 Years old !
Accomodation included: 2 nights in our appartment and Tiny House
Native Speakers: Maud (London, U.K.)
Costs: 155 Euro, includes accomodation and organic, homemade vegetarian snacks and meals
Permaculture Kids im Kurpark, Nümbrecht
Fit & Fun im Kurpark und Tag der offenen Tür im Sportpark Nümbrecht zum Anlass des 50jährigen Jubiläums der Landesgartenschau.
Die Permaculture Kids sind eingeladen!
Gerne vorher anmelden: info@munay.garden
Waldbaden im Kurpark, Nümbrecht
Fit & Fun im Kurpark und Tag der offenen Tür im Sportpark Nümbrecht zum Anlass des 50jährigen Jubiläums der Landesgartenschau.
Ich biete Waldbaden an!
Gerne vorher anmelden: info@munay.garden

Working Days
Join us at Munay Forest Garden!
We need your help to prepare our soil for the arrival of new plants and trees this autumn! Whether you can join us for a single day or multiple days, your contribution will be valuable!
Activities include:
the first day we design “the berry place”
What you will learn:
fundamentals of permaculture principles
soil preparation techniques for sustainable gardening
effective planting strategies for long-term growth
genearal garden maintenance with a permaculture approach
practical application of food forest design
What to bring:
comfortable clothing and sturdy footwear
gardening gloves
sunscreen and a hat
watter bottle
enthusiasm and a positive attitude!
Please RSVP by August 15, 2024 to info@munay.garden. Let us know which days you are available to help.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Permaculture 5
Workshop 5: Share it
Camp guides:
Costs: 35 Euro, including material and snacks

Permaculture Kids 4
Workshop 4: Sowing and planting
Camp Guides:
Costs: 35 Euro, including material and snacks

Permaculture Kids 3
Workshop 3: Building
Camp Guides:
Costs: 35 Euro, including material and snacks

English Forest Camp for 11 - 15 years old
We will spend five days together, doing all kinds of fun, outdoor activities - with 5 overnight stays in our apartment at the back of the main house.
Deadline: 15th of March - 10/12 places available (9 already taken)
English Teachers: Jacob from Minnesota (USA) and Harleen from England/India
Camp Guides: Justine from France and Coordinator: Ellen Blommaert
Costs: 350 Euro

English Forest Days for 7 to 11 years old
TWO English Forest Workshops: Wednesday, 27th of March and Thursday, 28th of March from 2 pm until 5:30 pm - no overnight stay
Deadline: 1st of March (12-15 places available)
Native Speakers: Jacob from Minnesota (USA); still waiting for others
Costs: 2 workshops for 80 Euro, including 2x afternoon snacks

Permaculture Kids 2
Workshop 2: Preparing the soil
Camp Guides: Meg from Bristol (England)
Costs: 35 Euro, including material and snacks

Permaculture Kids 1
Workshop 1: Getting to know the animals
Camp guides: Meg from Bristol (England) and Belen from New Zealand
Costs: 35 Euro, including materials and snacks

Permaculture KIDS 5
Everything gardens (or has an effect on its environment): meet the animals!
Costs: 45 Euro
Join our Permaculture Kids program.

French Forest Summer Camp for 12 - 15 years old
French camp guides: Jonas (France) and Svea (Belgium)
Costs: 295 Euro

English Forest Summer Camp for 11 - 15 years old
English camp guides: Abi (USA) and Daniel (USA)
Costs: 340 Euro

Permaculture KIDS 4
The yield of a system is theoretically unlimited: making an insect hotel.
English camp guides: Christine (South Africa) and Jeremy (USA)
Costs: 45 Euro
Join our Permaculture Kids program.